I would like to purchase this costume. I am 5' 8" weight 160. waist 30" inches. I need the cost Reply:
Please contact service@zentai-zentai.com
I would like to purchase this costume. I am 5' 8" weight 160. waist 30" inches.
hi, can you do this suit with The Amazing Spider-Man 1 design? Reply:
Yes, we can change the design if you want. Please contact service@zentai-zentai.com
I would have refused to make this one, on the grounds that it violated my company's policy regarding racism and bigotry. Reply:
We didn't mean anything on the rasim or bigotry.This is design customized by one of our customers and we put it here just for dispaying but not selling.Please forgive us for any misunderstanding about this.
Does the suit come with soles for the feet? Also, can you add hexagons/muscle shading to it? Thanks Reply:
Yes,please order soles along with the suit, we can glue them on the suit