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Holiday Notice: we will be on Chinese New Year holiday from Jan. 24th to Feb. 6th. Printed custom order placed after Jan. 1st and regular zentai suits placed after Jan 15th will be shipped out after we back to work. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at : service!@zentai-zentai.com.


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141 review(s)


can u make 25 and 26 look like this Jacob Reply:
We will :)
Andrew  September 06 2015


I was wondering if, when adding the lenses, do you leave the fabric on or do you remove them so that there's no fabric under the EVA Lenses? I already own a suit I bought last year (Before you started lenses) and am considering buying lenses to go on top. Would the fabric lenses cause any large vision difficulties and, if so, would you advise against removing any fabric from the face? Andrew Reply:
We can customize the lenses shape and color. Please contact us via email for more info.
Bryan  September 14 2014


New Lenses! :) thanks once again :) Bryan
Reid  January 03 2020


Hey, Are these fog free if used with a faceshell? Reply:
Yes,the lenses are fog free.
Andrea  October 07 2019


Can the color of the frames be purple? Reply:
sorry it can not be made in purple.
Greyson  September 27 2019


If I make a homemade mask, could I be able to hot glue this to an eyless spandex mask? Reply:
yes, you will need the UFO glue for it.