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Review: MCU Homecoming S-guy Latex Webshooter

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comic ones plzzz
Nazir  July 29 2018


Does The Web Shooters Have Magnets In The Button So It won't Wiggle Around?
It has no magnet. Just the velcro.
Jaden  June 10 2018


Question, when you buy them do they ship with only one webshooter or both webshooters?
Two webshooters.
Rebecca  September 07 2017


I would like to know if there are magnets
It is not magnets, it is velcro
Rebecca  September 07 2017


I would like to know if there are magnets so the button does go flailing around when you run or shake your hands
Luis  August 26 2017


A question They use velcro
Yes, it is velcro.