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Review: 3D Printed Deadpool Spandex Lycra Zentai Suit

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If I was to get another design from gunheaddesign would the cost stay around $65 to print and sew along with the cost of extras detachable hood, crotch zipper, etc.
Please send us the file via google drive to : service@zentai-zentai.com
Analise  May 22 2015


I was thinking about ordering this suit, but seeing as I am a female and I would like to use this as a Lady Deadpool cosplay, how much would it be to get the shading around the crotch and chest changed for myself?
We will try to change it for free. Please contact : service@zentai-zentai.com right after order the suit online.
K  April 22 2015


How much for the gear and eyes
The lenses are $15.00 and gear are $50.00.As the gear is overweight(about 3.5kg), so the postage costs more.
David  January 21 2015


I would really like to order this costume for a con. With all of the accessories.
Please choose ADD Gear and EVA lenses
Jake  December 03 2014


Does the suit come pre made or is it just the fabric
This is not ready-to-wear. We will tailor it once received the payment.
Joel  October 10 2014


Hi There Is there a 3D HOOD that matches the Costume? Black Eyes like this: http://s24.photobucket.com/user/supra_clipse/media/542397_499341170116464_1263023101_n_zpsc1ab5a79.jpg.html Thanks!
We can alter the eyes design and make it with spandex and mesh only. The material in the image is different from ours.
Js  September 22 2014


Hi could you make this for a 12 year old
yes, we can. Please choose size custom while you are placing the order.
Josh  September 18 2014


What's the price range?
The printing cost starts fro $65.00
Josh  September 18 2014


What's the price range?
Brandon  August 11 2014


hi! i am interested in your 3d deadpool costume. how much would it cost for a large 3d printed deadpool costume with detachable deadpool mask, crotch zipper (male), detachable gloves at wrist, black strip around neck, and no foot coverings? thank you for response. -Brandon
The hood detachable(+$2), crotch zipper ($5), detachable gloves ($5), black strip around neck (free), no feet (free). For more info, please contact: support@zentai-zentai.com