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Review: [Platium]2099 S-guy Printed Spandex Lycra Bodysuit with Lenses Soles and Fins

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Thank you zentai-zentai this suit is really awesome
Spiderman  November 16 2017


Super Awesome 2099 Suit! I ordered this suit back in the begining of October and got it just in time for Halloween! in fact I received it the day before. and WOW, WOW, WOW! this is got to be the best suit ever! It is very High Quality no doubt about it! I Its very easy to get into and out of (I must admit though, the first time I put it on I didn't what I was doing and my right arm looked a little off, But after I realized what I did wrong no problems at all.) The lycra material is very sturdy. Not sure but this could be the Jersey lycra. At any rate this suit was really nicely and thoughtfuly put together and I couldn't be happier with it. This is my first time buying from Zentai- Zentai and I give them 10 stars! for the craftmenship they put into this suit. The colors are vibrant and lenses are nice and comfortable and see through! Thank You Zentai-Zentai! Courtesey, A Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!