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Review: Homecoming S-guy Dye-sub Printed Spandex Lycra Costume

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how do the lenses look?
Please check : http://www.zentai-zentai.com/new-mcu-spiderman-lenses-products-3569.html
Sean3457  July 31 2017


Why are the palms and fingertips white and black
It is the pattern design. If you need to change it , please contact service@zentai-zentai.com
Alex  March 30 2017


This suit looks amazing, but it really puts me off, to see that the web design at the head, doesn't connect. I would love to have a suit like this, but once again, the mask is a very important part of the costume, so the fact that it looks like that is really sad. Is there any way to fix that, or?
Please contact us with photos of you wearing the hood. So we can tell what is wrong