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Review: S-guy Printed Spandex Lycra Costume inspired by MCU

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Do you have to pay for the gun head design
yes, we will pay him pattern fee each month.
 Marco  May 30 2016


can i choose custom stlye lens shape ? like the one in this pic ?
Marco Reply:
Yes, we can make it into this shape. Please contact us at: service@zentai-zentai.com
Henry  June 19 2018


Could I just buy the mask for this costume?
Yes,we can customize the mask separately.Please contact service@zentai-zentai.com for more info.. Have a nice day:)
Spidey  November 05 2017


Can you breathe in the suit because I don't see any air holes?
yes, the fabric is spandex and it can breath through it.
Peter  September 16 2017


Does it come with lenses
You need to order the lenses on this item page.
Spidey  September 01 2017


can i get style 1 for my suit
Yes, the lenses can be glued with style 1
NBC  August 20 2017


Does the standard shipping come to my house?
Yes, the EMS will be sent via post office.
BJN  August 13 2017


How long does it take to process? With standard shipping does the Zentai suit come to my house?
the processing time takes 2-4 weeks. For this custom , the default processing time takes 4 weeks so it takes about a month.
Insane  August 12 2017


Are the rubber spiderman eyes the lenses, also do you have to pick open eyes to add on extra eyes from https://www.zentai-zentai.com/new-mcu-spiderman-lenses-products-3569.html
For this costume, you can order the lenses on this page or at: http://www.zentai-zentai.com/props-lenses-cheap-173_175.html. You can order the separately, we will glue them for you
Bbb  August 10 2017


Will the lenses look good on a kid? What is their height and width.
The lenses will looks good on kid. The kids head size usually is close to adult size.