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Review: Miles Morales S-guy Printed Zentai Costume 2 with 3D Muscle Shades

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Okay so just how long in total will it take to arrive to the UK
It takes about 3 weeks.
Brandon  October 01 2017


If I order this costume by the end of the week will I have it by Halloween?
Yes, we will rush all the orders placed before Oct. 10th.
josh  October 05 2016


Whats the difference between these two suits? can you send photos of the difference?
josh Reply:
Those are the same pattern. Same suit. Maybe the different fabric.
Osita  August 18 2016


Hey If i just paid for the suit from this website, would you guys just send it to me all done?
yes, we will send you a bodysuit which is ready to wear
Nathxel  April 16 2016


Hi I'm new to this and i want to buy this Zentai suit of Miles Morales with the 3D muscle shades but i dont understand, do i just pay for it through paypal and done you guys ship it ro me. Or do i have to do something else after the check out?
Please order it online with pattern and checkout. we will send the suit to you in 4 weeks after payment is complete
D'von  April 08 2016


So if I ordered it now would it take 2 months to get here? Along with the separate EVA lenses? Im going to a con in a month and I need to know so I can order right away.
It takes about 4 weeks to process and 4 days to deliver.
Castiel  August 13 2015


When I ordered the costume delivery time was 9 - 21 days but now it's updated on your website to 34 - 48 days. I'm curious of when will my costume arrive?
The printed suit takes a month to process, we just updated the display.
Matthew  July 06 2015


do i have to buy the print and send it to you guys
Yes, this file is designed by gunheaddesign.com, you need to order the file first.
Jonathan  June 03 2015


Hi i ordered this suit about two months ago and i loved everything about this suit is very comfortable and stretchable. I could see really well with the EVA lenses and i like your service very fast about the shipping and dependable and i am willing to buy another suit from you guys.
Andrew  May 07 2015


Overall the suit was well assembled. The EVA lenses look great and the print file was very well crafted. I ordered custom sized and it fits perfectly. The only real downside to this suit was that the stitching for the eyes is right where my eyes are which inhibits vision more than just spandex alone. Other than that, the suit was great.