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Review: Superior S-guy Costume | Printed Spandex lycra Zentai Suit with 3D Muscle Shades

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i absolutely love the suit coldnt of picked a better site to buy from ill be buying all my suits from here.
 nick  December 28 2014


the suit looked really great! i'd definitely buy from Zentai again!
 Robert  June 24 2014


WONDERFUL job, guys! More than satisfied with this "Superior" work!
 Oland  June 23 2014


I love the suit!!!
Jordan  September 03 2015


Does the superior spiderman suit come with its own face shell?
Faceshell only available in one shape.
Deo  August 08 2015


If I order it the hood with attached lenses, do I still have to request for "Open Eyes" (+$2.00) or is it included with the attached lenses (+$15.00)?
You can open the eyes after you received it to make sure better vision.
OSMANY  July 17 2015


Does the suit come standard with the black eyes??
The lenses are excluded. If you need mesh eyes then we can make it for you. Lenses will cost extra.
Ben  July 14 2015


What material do you use for the back spider?
EVA, the logo is excluded, you need to order it.
Ben  May 09 2015


Is it possible for you guys to send the print when it is a sheet, and then I send it back and you sew it?
Yes, we can print it only, not cut not sew it. Please contact service@zentai-zentai.com
Lane  April 30 2015


Superior suit for a superior cosplay! Zentai-Zentai added soles and even made an EVA spider on the back for me. Suit fits perfectly.