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Review: 3D Cut Superman Printed Costume with Muscle Shades

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Does this suit comes with a cape? Or should I write that I want the cape on the remarks?
We can add the cape to this suit. It will cost extra. please contact: support@zentai-zentai.com
Rixson  May 01 2014


Hi. Were you able to rectify the issue with the low belt that the reviewer Cameron Sweet had? Thanks
Please send me a photo to describe the alter you want. If we need to alter the printing pattern, it will cost extra.
Cameron  October 28 2013


I really do like the costume. It's got its pros and cons, but it will grow on you. I have this suit custom tailored to my body type. My first favorite thing is that it's a very nice, movie accurate suit. The second being that it matches well with the Rubie's Man Of Steel individual cape. Thirdly, the muscle shading is a really nice touch! It adds more detail to the torso area. You also get a really nice shine and shade on the legs as well. I do have a few nit-picks about it, the first would be that the belt sits too far below the waist. As a male, it's an embarrassing flaw. The second would be that it looks quite long-waisted. It is the main reason why the belt is so low. I'm worried that a touch-up the belt to sit above the waist line would ruin the overall print pattern. Overall, This suit may have some noticeable pros and cons, this is a very good suit to have.
Thanks for your comments. I have sent your comment to the tailors to improve their work. We will alter the stitches in the future. Have a nice day :)