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Review: Tron Costume | White and Dark Grey Glow in Dark Spandex Lycra Catsuit

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Overall it is not a bad suit to begin with if you are looking into making some alterations to make it more accurate. I originally bought this suit in the wrong size and they wouldn't exchange it and I had to buy another one. They did discount me on the new suit. A few things to note, the glow in the dark parts are not blue, they are green, the upper shoulder details on the back were missing on both suits. I had to alter it to add more details and correct the front panel as it was way too short and didn't look right, the back of the arms are also not as pictured. There was also a blood stain on the lower front of the first suit, I guess someone poked themselves during production. The front legs ripped when I bent over, but it was no big deal as it could just be stitched back on. I won't deny that I was a little bit disappointed but I made it work and it is awesome now. Proceed with caution on this suit.