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Holiday Notice: we will be on Chinese New Year holiday from Jan. 24th to Feb. 6th. Printed custom order placed after Jan. 1st and regular zentai suits placed after Jan 15th will be shipped out after we back to work. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us at : service!@zentai-zentai.com.

Hi! I've been looking at this suit for a while, but recently i...

by Jake May 23 2014

I've been looking at this suit for a while, but recently i noticed something off about it. In one of your pictures it shows a view from the back. Theres supposed to be a red belt/stripe going horizontally underneath the red spider, but the picture shows that there isnt one. Is that just a mistake in the pictures or is it actually not there? Here's a picture in case you dont understand what i meant.