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Review: Todd McFarlane S-guy Printed Spandex Lycra Costume

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Best suit ever! Thanks zentai! Please ignore faceshell + eye lenses cus I bought from other seller.
Adam  November 17 2018


Love this! It's my favorite spidey suit! Fits great and looks amazing!!!
Pedro  November 23 2016


Suit looks real nice even better than my first it's really cool!
jose  September 26 2016


Hey there, Where did you get the face shell and the lenses Thanks,
Please check here http://www.zentai-zentai.com/faceshell-and-magnet-lenses-set-inspired-by-the-amazing-spiderman-2-products-3201.html
Symackz  May 17 2016


Best suit ever! Thanks Zentai! Ignore the faceshell + eye lenses cus I bought from other seller.