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Review: Captain S-guy V1b Printed Spandex Zentai Costume with 3D Muscle Shading

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This is the best suit that I ever bought! It feels comfortable to wear and it goes with my Captain America Shield backpack! It was worth paying extra for the attached rubber eyes and I don't even need to get faceplate for it. This is one suit I would highly recommend getting for Spidey and Captain America fans!
 Kim  March 27 2016


This is like the best captain spidey costume ever.It fits like a glove and its comfortable to wear, a must buy for spidey and captain america fans.I got it with a U-shape zipper and a wrist zipper and i provide the lenses...Overall 10/10
Anthony  September 14 2016


I just have one question do you guys put the lenses on for the mask by any chance, or would i have to sow them onto the mask?
Yes,.please order lenses along with this suit, we will glue them for you.
Freddy  January 13 2016


Do I need to purchase the printing file for this suit before I order it?
yes, if you do not have printing file, you need to order this file from the designer. We only charge for printing and sewing.